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LLA is still available

18 Mar 2020

Dear Business partners!

The issue of Corona (COVID-19) keeps us all busy and requires unimagined challenges.

Based on the current regulation, we can inform you that our business operations are available to you without restriction until further notice.

At our site in Berlin, we have taken a number of measures for your protection and ours to minimize the risk of infection. To this end, we have instructed our employees that

– no greeting by shaking hands takes place
– Keeping a distance from people
– hands are washed and disinfected on a regular basis
– no visits to suppliers and customers inside or outside the company

Help to prevent infection by preferring to contact people by telephone or electronically.

If there are any changes regarding the current regulation, we will inform you immediately by e-mail.

Stay healthy! Your team of LLA Instruments GmbH & Co. KG


Contact Us

Straße 9/11
12489 Berlin

+49 30 629 0790-0