We specialize in providing our partners with precise measurement technology for the optical analysis of material flows in industrial processes and laboratories. Our primary focus lies in offering ready-to-use, all-in-one solutions for optical sensor systems, facilitating seamless integration into your processes.
At LLA, we hold a strong sense of responsibility and prioritize resource protection, which serves as the foundation of our leading-edge technology. For over 25 years, our products have played a significant role in promoting a more sustainable resource cycle.
LLA’s product range encompasses hyperspectral cameras for NIR/SWIR and VIS ranges, multiplexed NIR/SWIR spectrometers, and x-ray fluorescence spectrometer systems tailored for detecting metals in industrial sorting processes. The robust design of our sensor systems ensures their suitability for operation in harsh industrial environments.
Sept 19-22, 2024, New Delhi
LLA Instruments GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig Straße 9/11
12489 Berlin
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12489 Berlin